Other than Power

OTP: Other than Power Program: The OTP Program represents a total investment of USD 24M and will enable the installation of pre-paid meters in all rural electricity clients and promote the use of energy efficient appliances, of cooking gas and efficient cook stoves across Liberia. The OTP Program has significant setup investments in the first phase, but on prepaid meters grows with the number of electrified clients being also significant in Phase 3. The Program has no funding committed at the present stage.

Other than Power Program is composed of 4 main initiatives:

OTP.1 – Efficient Light & Appliances initiative. This initiative intends to reduce the acquisition of inefficient appliances and lamps in Liberia, thus making power consumption more affordable to people living in rural areas. It includes the creation of a rating system and brand for energy efficient appliances and lamps which will be required to obtain import tax exemptions, thus making the more efficient appliances and lamps more competitive. The tax will be adjusted to avoid reduction in tax income. The initiative includes also the creation of service centers across the country to support installation of Solar Water Heating systems.

OTP.2 – Prepaid meters and power loss reduction initiative. This initiative intends to enable the universal use of prepaid meters in Liberia with a similar tariff structure across the country and to deploy the metering infra-structure that allows for a clear identification of where power losses are generated. Given the potential for multiple companies acting in the distribution area, this initiative will allow for a centralized management of the prepaid metering system and support the creation of an adequate georeferenced information system.

OTP.3 – City cooking gas initiative. This initiative intends to make cooking gas bottles available in the main cities of the country and increase competition in retail through an obligation to petrol sellers to sell cooking gas in their stations. Additionally, to increase competition and access to LPG import, storage and filling infrastructure, a new facility will be built initially by LPRC but with the intention to be privatized and owned also by petrol sellers and other private entities.

OTP.4 – Efficient biomass for cooking initiative. This initiative intends to increase efficiency in the utilization of biomass for cooking in order to reduce deforestation and energy costs for consumers. It includes support to improvements on existing efficient cook stove manufacturing and marketing activity, including the organization of multiple trial sessions where potential consumers in a community are given training and borrowed a cook stove for trial and possible future acquisition. Additionally, it includes also a Project dedicated to branding and certification of efficient charcoal production.